MO-DO von 07:30 bis 19:30

FR von 07:30 bis 17:30

+43 1 53 116-0

With deep regret...

... I have learned of the passing of Prof. Dr. Hubert Christian Ehalt.

His greatness was demonstrated, among other things, by the fact that he organized and moderated a theme evening "Homeopathy - an acceptable healing method today?" at the Society of Friends of the Austrian Academy of Sciences on 26.2.2019. This shows the foresight and ability to tolerate ambiguity that is unfortunately very often sorely lacking in today's academic and media world.

We will miss him. People of this character are rare.

Former university professor Dr. Michael Frass
President, Ö. Umbrella Organization for Holistic Medicine


Foto Credit: (c) Florian Stecher -


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